Effective Business Process Design  

Innovative business models for new programs and services may be required to accommodate changes in legislation, policy and your operating environment. Traditional business process improvement is a proven, effective method to redesign for small and even large scale incremental adjustments. However, new process design may be a better route to superior results where changes are substantial, processes span multiple business areas or new programs and services are beyond the scope of the existing organization’s adaptability.

We are: Consultants that use a systematic approach to process design for new programs, services or major changes to existing programs that examines organizational strategy, structure, processes, technology and culture.

Our services and expertise in this area include:

  • Business Modelling
  • Business Case Development
  • Organizational Change

Business Modelling

With you, we will document new program or service requirements and review background information. AtFocus facilitation services will enable your key decision makers to envision a future state for the new program or service and align this with your overall strategic direction. Workshops and personal interviews will engage staff and senior management in the consultation and change process. Our Value Driver Analysis tool and methodology can be used to facilitate discussions and enable priority setting. Our leading practice research will ensure that your future direction will lead to your desired outcome, a new effective and innovative business model.

Business Case Development

We will work with you to create an effective innovative business model to meet your requirements for a new program or service. Your new business model will be mapped to demonstrate how work processes will flow and to identify the business areas that will be responsible for the change. Our business case includes:

  • The new program or service delivery business model
  • Process maps of the new program or service
  • Cost impacts on staff and technology
  • Calculated return on investment
  • The action plan for implementation, culture change and new technology

Organizational Change Management

Our proprietary methodology, Countdown2Change, measures the impact of business change on affected staff and the risks to your organization in implementing the new business model. Countdown2Change establishes employee readiness baseline data for tracking the change process. Countdown2Change monitors change and program components are adjusted to ensure that successful and sustainable change is realized.

To obtain a printable version of our effective business process design services, download our Effective Business Process Design Fact Sheet.


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