Moosha Gulycz: Over the past twenty years, Moosha has worked with clients to determine and detail efficient yet effective service delivery models resulting in setting business strategy, organizational improvement and successful change. She has worked with all levels of government and across multiple industry segments within the private sector. Moosha co-authored “Performance Driven CRM, How to Make Your Customer Relationship Management Vision a Reality”, authored “A Journey to Personal and Professional Success”, and was a contributing author to “Customer Relationship Management: A Strategic Imperative in the World of e-Business”. She has spoken extensively across North America on the topic of achieving quality service and performance management.
Stan Brown: In his over twenty years as consultant and corporate executive, Stan has assisted both public and private sector organizations in a broad range of industry sectors. His primary focus has been in the areas of Customer Care, Call Centre Management and Quality Service. Stan has also prepared and delivered papers and workshops to government bodies, associations, and private sector organizations in the Americas and Europe. He has authored, or co-authored seven bestselling business books on Quality Service and Customer Care, the most recent of which were “Customer Relationship Management: A Strategic Imperative in the World of e-Business”, and “Performance Driven CRM: How to Make your Customer Relationship Management Vision a Reality”.
Our senior team is supported by a group of highly dedicated consultants with experience in the areas of e-Service Delivery, Procurement, Contract Negotiations, and various database applications. |